Wednesday, 2 March 2011


We are getting to know our local hospital a little too well...
Last Saturday I blacked out and broke my wrist - after having it 'pulled' and re-set by Mr Brett (a Norfolk boy!), and plastered.
I was kept in for observation as my slow heart rate had 'em all worried! I suspect it's nothing new, but it is about to be investigated for the first time as apparently it just isn't normal for the heart-rate of someone in pain to go down instead of up and may account for the momentary blackout that preceded the fall!
By Sunday afternoon, they'd had enough of me and I was allowed home, once my cast had been extended over the elbow. They really don't want this fracture to move!
On Monday afternoon, David noticed that my knuckles had swollen and turned a fetching shade of purple, so we returned to A&E to have the cast loosened a shade.
So we can breathe a sigh or relief that we don't need to visit the Hospital again until my Fracture Clinic appointment on Thursday...
...or maybe not!
Today, David was complaining about having something in his eye, and the GP decided to send him up to A&E...! Somehow he had got a tiny splinter of metal in his eye, which the doctor was able to remove after a certain amount of prodding and scraping.
So now we have an appointment at the Fracture Clinic tomorrow and at the Eye Clinic on Friday!
Honestly, we can't make one fully-functioning body between us, and we have about 12 days to decorate the front room, fit skirtings and box the meters before the carpet men arrive! 
Life is never predictable here!

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