Well, here we are in the middle of November and it is beginning to get grey, damp and permanently overcast. Not very inspiring. We've got off lightly so far as far as frosty mornings are concerned, but most days are drizzly at the very least and it is getting harder and harder to get up these dark mornings.
We had some sunny spells last weekend so I did get around to digging over the raised beds at last and clearing the few weeds that had sprung up. In the process I unearthed a kilo of gorgeous potatoes which must have grown from a peeling in the compost and hidden itself among the bean plants! Funnily enough, I had had my suspicions midsummer, but didn't expect to find more than a few tiny worm-eaten spuds. On the contrary, these were perfect and of a decent size considering that they had been left to their own devices with no care or earthing up etc. It shows that our soil will support potatoes very nicely thank you, and I may put in a few rows next year if I can spare the space.
The jam yield this year was very disappointing. Next door's apple crop failed entirely thanks to the high winds of Spring, and most of the brambles ended up so bloated with rain that they disintigrated before we could harvest them. The other wild fruits just seemed to have given up the will to live, so we ended up with no more than a few jars this year.
Never mind - it just makes each one a little more precious!
I wonder what next year will be like weather-wise. If it is as wet and dreary as this year was I may have to consider turning the garden over to water-cress!