Yesterday was my 50th birthday...I don't set much store by birthdays and don't tend to celebrate in any big way. I'm just grateful to still be here, one way and another, and tend to take life very much one day at a time.
So we left home after breakfast yesterday and got to Lizz's around noon. When we walked in, it was to a chorus of 'Happy Birthday', and not only had Lizz laid on banners and decorations and a lovely spread, but she had arranged for my son, his fiancee and their little boy to be there as well!
It transpired that David had been in on it from the start and is worryingly good at keeping secrets...!
We had a lovely time, just being together and enjoying each other's company, and eating the gorgeous food and playing with the grandchildren.
Then there were presents; wonderful warm gloves, slippers and scarf, and fun toys (which we enjoyed amusing the grandchildren with!) and a very novel lavender-filled owl micro-hottie, and some beautiful flowers, and a gift box of Lush bathtime treats (I adore Lush!), and a mug with an illustration from the Ladybird book 'The Party' (you have to be over 50 and British to really appreciate Ladybird books!) and even a curl from my granddaughter's first haircut! I can honestly say it was probably the most enjoyable birthday I've ever had.
I am so blessed!
Unfortunately, because I had no idea what was going on, I didn't take my camera so I can't show you pictures of my miraculous little bright-eyed grandson who was born so prematurely and is now just beginning to take his tentative first steps, or his beautiful mummy whom we adore as she is so very good for my darling son, or my gorgeous son-in-law who humours us ageing lunatics so patiently, or my amazing and crafty daughter who arranged it all, or my sweet little granddaughter with her blonde curls and her pretty party dress, or my beloved (deceitful!) husband, who is the light of my life!
In future my camera will live in my handbag!